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About Me

I call myself a writer as it feels the easiest description but like most people in the industry I do more than just write. I also would say I am a theatre maker but not always exclusively in theatre buildings. Hence the 'performance creative' which if I'm honest doesn't sit super comfortable but hey what's in a name? I also do a little bit of producing.


I enjoy creating stories. Learning about people, history and events and moulding them into new narratives. I love the research element of a project and can get lost in information which will never make it into the work but feels important to know. 


I feel exceptionally passionate that arts and culture should be for everyone and not just the elite. I believe that we should be striving to make work which is accessible in all senses. I want to create work which people feel part of rather than excluded from. 


I don't believe in happy endings but I do believe in hope. 

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